The 60th JSAP Spring Meeting,2013

Presentation information

Regular sessions(Oral presentation)

21. Joint Session K » 21.1 Joint Session K "Wide bandgap oxide semiconductor materials and devices"

[29p-G19-1~17] 21.1 Joint Session K "Wide bandgap oxide semiconductor materials and devices"

Fri. Mar 29, 2013 2:00 PM - 6:30 PM G19 (B5 4F-2403)

[29p-G19-7] △Fabrication and properties of IGZO thin films grown by mist CVD

Takayuki Uchida1, Toshiyuki Kawaharamura2, Mamoru Furuta2, Masaru Sanada1 (School of Sys. Eng., Kochi Univ. of Tech.1, Inst. for Nanotechnology, Kochi Univ. of Tech.2)
