The 61st JSAP Spring Meeting, 2014

Presentation information

Oral presentation

15. Crystal Engineering » 15.4 III-V-group nitride crystals

[17a-E13-1~11] 15.4 III-V-group nitride crystals

Mon. Mar 17, 2014 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM E13 (E301)

9:00 AM - 9:15 AM

[17a-E13-1] Fabrication of InGaN µ-LED arrays and evaluation of electrical and luminescence properties

Kazuaki Tsuchiyama1, Hiroto Sekiguchi1, Hiroyuki Tahara1, Hiroshi Okada2, Akihiro Wakahara1 (Toyohashi Univ. Tech.1, EIIRIS2)
