9:00 AM - 9:15 AM
〇Ryota Nishiuchi1, Kota Ikeda1, Norikatsu Mio1 (1.Dept. of Applied Physics, Univ. of Tokyo)
Oral presentation
3 Optics and Photonics » 3.5 Laser system and materials
Mon. Sep 14, 2015 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM 2D (212-2)
座長:小澤 祐市(東北大)
△:Young Scientist Oral Presentation Award Applied
▲:English Presentation
▼:Both Award Applied and English Presentation
9:00 AM - 9:15 AM
〇Ryota Nishiuchi1, Kota Ikeda1, Norikatsu Mio1 (1.Dept. of Applied Physics, Univ. of Tokyo)
9:15 AM - 9:30 AM
9:30 AM - 9:45 AM
〇(M1)Toshihiro Yamada1, Yoshiyuki Honda2, Shinji Motokoshi3, Takahisa Jitsuno2, Kana Fujioka2, Minoru Yoshida1 (1.Kinki Univ., 2.ILE Osaka Univ., 3.ILT)
9:45 AM - 10:00 AM
Jin-Long Xu1, Chao-Yang Tu1, 〇Chao-Kuei Lee2 (1.Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials Chemistry and Physics of CAS, Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academic of Sciences, 2.Department of Photonics, National Sun Yat-sen University)
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM
〇Masaki Yumoto1, Norihito Saito1, Shuu Aikawa2, Masahiko Iwasaki2, Satoshi Wada1 (1.Photonics Control Technology Team, RIKEN, 2.Advanced Meson Science Laboratory, RIKEN)
10:15 AM - 10:30 AM
〇masaki tokurakawa1, Christian Kraenkel2,3 (1.ILS, UEC, 2.ILP,Univ. of Hamburg, 3.The Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imaging)
Break (10:30 AM - 10:45 AM)
10:45 AM - 11:00 AM
〇Eisuke Haraguchi1, Toshiyuki Ando1 (1.MitsubishiElectric)
11:00 AM - 11:15 AM
〇(M2)Yuki Sone1, Yuki Kurokawa1, Masamori Endo1, Kazuyuki Uno2 (1.Tokai Univ., 2.Yamanashi Univ.)
11:15 AM - 11:30 AM
〇(M1)Roukuya Mamuti1, Aizitiaili Abulikemu1, Taximaiti Yusufu1,2, Katsuhiko Miamoto1, Takashige Omatsu1,2 (1.Chiba univ., 2.JST-CREST)
11:30 AM - 11:45 AM
〇Shungo Araki1, Kensuke Suzuki1, Taximaiti Yusufu1,2, Katsuhiko Miyamoto1, Takashige Omatsu1,2 (1.Chiba Univ., 2.JST-CREST)
11:45 AM - 12:00 PM
〇Michaeltomoki Horikawa1, Azusa Ogawa1, Kana Ando1, Katsuhiko Miyamoto1, Takashige Omatsu1,2 (1.Chiba Univ., 2.CREST)
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