The 76th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2015

Presentation information


Symposium » Evaluation technology for oxide semiconductor

[14p-1B-1~9] Evaluation technology for oxide semiconductor

Mon. Sep 14, 2015 1:15 PM - 6:00 PM 1B (133+134)

座長:反保 衆志(産総研),山本 哲也(高知工科大)

1:15 PM - 1:45 PM

[14p-1B-1] Atomic scale investigation of oxides using electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS)

〇Teruyasu Mizoguchi1 (1.IIS, Univ. Tokyo)

Keywords:Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS),Transmission electron microscopy (TEM),First principles calculation

Electron energy loss spectrum (EELS) is observed with transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and an observation from a single atomic column can be achieved with an aid of aberration corrector. Furthermore, information on atomic coordination, valence state, and chemical bonding can be obtained from the EELS spectrum combined with a first principles calculation. In my presentation, I will talk on the atomic scale investigation of oxides materials using scanning TEM, EELS, and the first principles calculation.