


CS コードシェアセッション » CS.6 10.1, 10.2, 10.3のコードシェアセッション「新規スピン操作方法および関連現象」

[22a-W241-1~11] CS.6 10.1, 10.2, 10.3のコードシェアセッション「新規スピン操作方法および関連現象」

2016年3月22日(火) 09:00 〜 12:00 W241 (西2・3号館)

喜多 浩之(東大)

09:00 〜 09:15

[22a-W241-1] Electric-field effect on domain structure in MgO/CoFeB/Ta

土肥 昂尭1、金井 駿1,2、岡田 篤1、深見 俊輔2,3、松倉 文礼4,1,2、大野 英男1,2,3,4 (1.東北大通研附属ナノ・スピン実験施設、2.東北大CSIS、3.東北大CIES、4.東北大WPI-AIMR)

キーワード:CoFeB/MgO,electric-field effect,domain structure

We investigate the electric-field effects on the domain structures in MgO/CoFeB/Ta, whose magnetic parameters, such as magnetic anisotropy and damping constant, can be modulated by the application of an electric field. Domain structures are observed at demagnetized state under several electric fields E by a magneto-optical Kerr effect microscope. The observed maze domain structures are analyzed by two-dimensional fast Fourier transform, which shows the domain patterns possess an isotropic characteristic period (domain width). The domain width is determined to be 1.75 μm at E = 0, which increases to 2.00 μm at E = +0.11 V/nm. The comparison of the obtained domain width and calculated ones suggests that exchange stiffness constant of 10.4 pJ/m at E = 0 is modulated by plus/minus a few percent by the application of E = ±0.11 V/nm.