


15 結晶工学 » 15.6 IV族系化合物(SiC)

[6p-A201-1~20] 15.6 IV族系化合物(SiC)

2017年9月6日(水) 13:30 〜 19:00 A201 (201)

原田 俊太(名大)、加藤 正史(名工大)、三谷 武志(産総研)

14:00 〜 14:15

[6p-A201-3] X-ray Topography and Transmission Electron Microscopy Analysis of <c + a> Threading Mixed Dislocations in 4H-SiC

Jason Paul Hadorn1、Ryohei Tanuma1、Isaho Kamata1、Hidekazu Tsuchida1 (1.CRIEPI)

キーワード:4H-SiC, LACBED, threading dislocations

Variants of threading dislocation types are distinguishable in grazing x-ray topography (XRT) by comparing their strain contrast distributions at different g-reflections. For threading mixed dislocations (TMDs), although a theoretical relationship between XRT contrast distribution and variant type exists, direct confirmation must be achieved. In this study, correlations are made between synchrotron XRT images of different TMD variants in 4H-SiC and their Burgers vectors as determined directly by large angle convergent beam electron diffraction (LACBED) via transmission electron microscopy (TEM). LACBED confirms that the TMDs are type. Also, a consistent relationship between XRT and TEM results is obtained, which renders XRT as a useful technique to map TMD variants.