


12 有機分子・バイオエレクトロニクス » 12.4 有機EL・トランジスタ

[17p-302-1~14] 12.4 有機EL・トランジスタ

2017年3月17日(金) 13:15 〜 17:00 302 (302)

松島 敏則(九大)、三成 剛生(物材機構)

16:00 〜 16:15

[17p-302-11] Multi-bit Memory Effect in an Organic Field Effect Transistor using a Charge Storage Polymer

〇(D)Tran Cuong Manh1、Sakai Heisuke1、Murakami Tatsuya1、Murata Hideyuki1 (1.Japan Adv. Inst. of Sci. and Tech.)

キーワード:Charge trapping memory OFET, multi-bit memory, write-once-read-many memory

Memory effect in an organic field effect transistor (OFET) could be achieved by using a thin film of polymer as charge storage layer. The trapped charges at the trapping layer cause the change in drain current (ID) or the shift of threshold voltage (Vth) of the OFET, which corresponds to the different states of the memory. An 1-bit devices could be fabricated by using a polymer layer of Cytop, poly methylmethacryrate (PMMA) or poly(α-methylstyrene) (PαMS). However, for a multi-bit application, the OFET must exhibit several distinguished logic states and each state could be easily controlled by a programmed voltage applied to the gate. In this paper, a multi-bit OFET memory using a charge storage polymer of poly(vinyl cinammate) (PVCN) is reported.