


22 合同セッションM 「フォノンエンジニアリング」 » 22.1 合同セッションM 「フォノンエンジニアリング」

[20p-234B-1~17] 22.1 合同セッションM 「フォノンエンジニアリング」

2018年9月20日(木) 13:15 〜 18:00 234B (234-2)

渡邉 孝信(早大)、山本 貴博(東理大)、宇治原 徹(名大)

14:15 〜 14:30

[20p-234B-5] Quasi-ballistic heat transport in silicon nanowires at different temperatures

〇(P)Roman Anufriev1、Sergei Gluchko1,2、Sebastian Volz2,1、Masahiro Nomura1,3 (1.IIS Univ. of Tokyo、2.LIMMS Univ. of Tokyo、3.JST PRESTO)

キーワード:heat conduction, nanowires, thermal transport

We study ballistic heat conduction in silicon nanowires of different lengths and shapes using the micro time-domain thermoreflectance and Monte Carlo phonon transport simulations. We demonstrate how ballistic heat conduction occurs at low temperatures and weakens as the temperature is increased. Our simulations show that phonon trajectories resemble Levy walk with short travels between the nanowire walls mixed with long flights towards the cold side. Such quasi-ballistic heat conduction in silicon nanostructures opens new possibilities in thermal engineering in microelectronics.