


12 有機分子・バイオエレクトロニクス » 12.5 有機太陽電池

[19a-E101-1~12] 12.5 有機太陽電池

2019年9月19日(木) 09:00 〜 12:15 E101 (大講堂)

松木 伸行(神奈川大)、佐野 健志(山形大)

11:30 〜 11:45

[19a-E101-10] Efficiency improvement in perovskite solar cells by aging and passivation

趙 ヨンユン1,2、金 ヒョンド2、Jianghui Zheng1、Jueming Bing1、Meng Zhang1、Yong Li1、Martin A. Green1、Shujuan Huang1,3、大北 英生2、Anita W.Y. Ho-Baillie1,3 (1.ニューサウスウェールズ大学、2.京都大学、3.マクアリ-大学)


In many papers it has been reported early PCE increase by aging process whose origin is still under discussion. In this study, we aim to figure out the origin of PCE enhancement by aging process and passivation treatment. Dominant recombination process in device was analysed by temperature & light-intensity dependent open-circuit voltage (Voc) of devices.
Device performances change by aging and passivation process that aging process improved fill factor and Voc regardless of interface passivation. By analysis of light intensity and temperature dependence on Voc, it was found that recombination process has been changed by passivation treatment and aging process. Origin of recombination change will be discussed in the view of device component evolution.