


シンポジウム(technical) » 先端イオン顕微鏡技術って何?ナノスケール材料・デバイスへの展開

[19p-E302-1~8] 先端イオン顕微鏡技術って何?ナノスケール材料・デバイスへの展開

2019年9月19日(木) 13:30 〜 17:30 E302 (E302)

中払 周(物材機構)、米谷 玲皇(東大)、水田 博(北陸先端大)、小川 真一(産総研)

15:45 〜 16:00

[19p-E302-5] Helium Ion Beam Milling Patterned Suspended Graphene Double Quantum Dots

〇(DC)WANG Zhongwang1、Manoharan Muruganathan1、Marek Edward Schmidt1、Yukinori Morita2、Shinichi Ogawa2、Hiroshi Mizuta1,3 (1.JAIST、2.AIST、3.Hitachi Cambridge)

キーワード:Suspended Nanostructure, Helium Ion Beam Milling

We present a procedure for the fabrication of suspended graphene double quantum dots using helium ion beam milling technique (HIBM). A relatively large suspended graphene nanoribbon was prefabricated through conventional NEMs fabrication process. Importantly, seven electrodes were attached on it that pulled the nanoribbon and protected it from deformation during the substrate etching process. Thereafter, HIBM has carried out to pattern the small double dots structure. Importantly, the structure was suspended after HIBM. We envisage that this method can be utilized to patterning other two-dimensional materials for other NEMS, MEMS applications, such as coupled mechanical resonator-quantum dot.