


10 スピントロニクス・マグネティクス » 10.2 スピン基盤技術・萌芽的デバイス技術

[20p-E216-8~20] 10.2 スピン基盤技術・萌芽的デバイス技術

2019年9月20日(金) 15:30 〜 19:00 E216 (E216)

三輪 真嗣(東大)、大兼 幹彦(東北大)

16:15 〜 16:30

[20p-E216-11] Efficient parametric magnon excitation using non-reciprocal spin current generation

〇(DC)Genki Okano1、Yukio Nozaki1,2 (1.Keio Univ.、2.Keio CSRN)

キーワード:spin wave, spin current, magnonics

The scientific-research field concerned with information processing by spinwaves is known as magnonics and a lot of magnonic devices have been proposed. The parallel pumping, which is the nonlinear magnon scattering process, attracts much attention to amplify the magnon intensity during their propagation. In this study, we demonstrate that the threshold amplitude of ac-magnetic field required for exciting the parallel punping can be efficiently decreased by injecting spin current produced from surface-oxidized Cu films, which show a charge-to-spin conversion efficiency as large as Pt, while shows a negligibly small spin-to-charge conversion efficiency. It was revealed that the non-reciprocal property of surface-oxidized Cu films is useful for increasing a magnon propagation length.