09:30 〜 11:30
▲ [21a-PB1-53] Chemical Concentration Dependence of MoCl5 Intercalation to Bilayer Graphene
キーワード:Bilayer Graphene, MoCl5 intercalation, Chemical Concentration
Efficient doping method is required to reduce the resistance of graphene interconnects. This paper proposes a MoCl5 intercalation process for doping CVD graphene at a low-temperature using the 1/2 reduced concentration of MoCl5 chemicals from our previous study. Bilayer graphene (BLG) was not intercalated at 150ºC with using the 1/2 reduced chemicals. However, BLG was intercalated by raising the temperature to 175ºC. Although serious damage was observed with the high concentration, the damage was suppressed with the reduced chemicals. The optimized condition (reduced chemicals at 175ºC) is considered as more appropriate for doping narrow graphene interconnects.