4:45 PM - 5:00 PM
[17p-Z26-11] Experimental demonstration of mobility enhancement by channel thickness scaling and evaluation of interface traps inside the conduction band in (111) InAs-OI nMOSFET
Keywords:semiconductor, InAs, MOSFET
We have proposed that the UTB (111) InAs-OI structure with the L valley conduction is much beneficial to the semiconductor capacitance and thickness fluctuation scattering, which are the essential challenges for III-V nMOSFETs. We experimentally demonstrated (111) InAs-OI nMOSFET with the channel thickness down to 3 nm. As a result, the mobility increases by channel thickness scaling due to the L valley transition, as proposed. We also proposed the Hall-QSCV method and demonstrated the evaluation of interface traps inside the InAs conduction band.