


10 スピントロニクス・マグネティクス » 10.2 スピン基盤技術・萌芽的デバイス技術

[23a-A205-1~13] 10.2 スピン基盤技術・萌芽的デバイス技術

2022年9月23日(金) 09:00 〜 12:30 A205 (A205)

安藤 裕一郎(京大)、重松 英(京大)

11:00 〜 11:15

[23a-A205-8] Magnetic damping in Cu2Sb-type MnCrAlGe thin film investigated by all-optical pump-probe method

Yuta Sasaki1、Ryoya Hiramatsu2、Yohei Kota3、Takahide Kubota2、Yoshiaki Sonobe1、Akimasa Sakuma2、Koki Takanashi2,4、Shinya Kasai1、Yukiko Takahashi1 (1.NIMS、2.Tohoku Univ.、3.NIT Fukushima Col.、4.JAEA)

キーワード:spintronics, Ferromagnetic thin film, all-optical method

A large perpendicular magnetic anisotropy(PMA), small saturation magnetization(Ms) and small magnetic damping constant α are strongly desired in few nano-meter thick ferromagnetic thin films for the future spintronic memory devices. Recently, perpendicularly magnetized (001)-textured Cu2Sb-type MnCrAlGe ultrathin film was grown onto thermally oxidized Si substrates. The static magnetic properties, PMA energy of 0.7 MJ/m3 and Ms of 300 kA/m, are reported in previous studies, however, there is no report on α because the magnetization precession frequency in the large PMA materials reaches to terahertz(THz) frequency. Here, we investigated the sub-THz magnetization dynamics in MnCrAlGe ultrathin film using all-optical method which can be used up to several THz frequency.