1:30 PM - 1:45 PM
△ [26p-E204-3] Development of application of mid-infrared passive spectroscopic imaging to medical image diagnosis (3rd. report)-Development of thermal-expansion simple actuator for daily medical diagnosis-
Keywords:mid-infrared passive spectroscopic imaging, hermal-expansion actuator, medical image diagnosis
We aim at realization of medical image diagnosis by palm-size mid-infrared (LWIR: Long Wave Infrared) passive spectroscopic imager. In conventional apparatus, the actuator driven by the ultrasonic motor has two issues, low durability and high cost. Therefore, we proposed a thermal-expansion actuator to solve the problems. This actuator does not use a mechanical drive division and is controlled slowly constant driving speed. We examined the expansion machinery and the heating/cooling mechanism. Then, it was confirmed that they satisfy the required performance of working distance and driving speed.