The 70th JSAP Spring Meeting 2023

Presentation information

Oral presentation

6 Thin Films and Surfaces » 6.1 Ferroelectric thin films

[15p-A404-1~19] 6.1 Ferroelectric thin films

Wed. Mar 15, 2023 1:00 PM - 6:30 PM A404 (Building No. 6)

Tomoaki Yamada(Nagoya Univ.), Takao Shimizu(NIMS), Hiroshi Uchida(Sophia Univ.), Minoru Noda(Kyoto Institute of Technology)

6:15 PM - 6:30 PM

[15p-A404-19] Ferroelectric properties in AlN thin films fabricated by sputtering method

Kota Hasegawa1,2, Takao Shimizu2, Takeo Ohsawa2, Isao Sakaguchi1,2, Naoki Ohashi1,2,3 (1.Kyushu Univ., 2.NIMS, 3.Tokyo tech)

Keywords:ferroelectric, AlN, sputtering

Wurtzite type (WZ)-AlN thin films were fabricated on Nb 0.5wt% doped SrTiO3(111) substrates (Nb:STO) by a reactive RF magnetron sputtering method. We found that WZ-AlN thin films grow epitaxially on Nb:STO. The polarization vs. electric field curves measured for these samples showed ferroelectricity at 300ºC. We will present the bottom electrode material dependence of ferroelectric properties for WZ-AlN thin films at various measurement temperature in detail.