


2 放射線 » 2.2 放射線物理一般・放射線応用・発生装置・新技術

[18p-D411-1~7] 2.2 放射線物理一般・放射線応用・発生装置・新技術

2023年3月18日(土) 13:30 〜 15:15 D411 (11号館)

藤原 健(産総研)

14:45 〜 15:00

[18p-D411-6] Study on a high-energy X-ray CT using GOS FPD for fuel debris screening

〇(M2)Akira Mikami1、Yuki Mitsuya1、Hiroyuki Takahashi1 (1.Sch. of Eng. The Univ. of Tokyo)

キーワード:Hign-energy X-ray, GOS FPD, Fuel debris screening

For analyzing fuel debris from 1F(Fukushima daiichi Nuclear Power Plant), nondestructive inspection method using high-energy X-ray CT using X-band LINAC X-ray source has been developed. For stopping high-energy X-ray, improvement of FPD is necessary. In this research, we used 1.5μm thick GOS FPD, and evaluate its effectiveness by comparing S/N ratio, Spatial resolution with other FPD. In the research, we use simulated fuel debris instead of fuel debris. The simulated fuel debris used in this research consists of mixture of Fe, or Zr and Pb.