


1. 栄養・飼養


2022年9月16日(金) 13:00 〜 17:00 Zoom会場1 (オンライン)

座長:黒澤 亮(東京農大)、泉 賢一(酪農大農食環境)、河合 正人(北大FSC)、塚原 隆充(栄養・病理研)、川瀬 貴博(栄養・病理学研究所)、石川 翔(兵庫淡路農技セ)、熊谷 元(京大院農)、平山 琢二(石川県大生物資源)

13:00 〜 13:10

[I-16-18] Effects of grain vinegar feeding on feed intake, milk production, and milk fatty acids of lactating Holstein cows

*成真 呉1、朋弘 三谷1、正人 河合2、宏一郎 上田1 (1. 北大院農研、2. 北大FSC)

[Objective] In the 128th meeting, we reported that when grain vinegar of 2 different concentrations (4.5% vs. 15% acetic acid) was fed to non-lactating cows (1 mol/d), the rumen liquid volume was greater in 4.5% than 15% and control. The following trial was carried out to investigate the effect of 4.5% vinegar feeding on feed intake and milk yield of lactating cows. [Methods] The lactating Holstein cows (n=19) were blocked into two groups according to body weight, days in milk, parity numbers, and milk yield. Cows were used in 2 periods (3+3 weeks) cross-over design. Cows were fed corn silage and concentrate with or without 4.5% grain vinegar, which was top-dressed on the feed twice a day (1.7 mol/head). The pH, volatile fatty acid, and ammonia-N in the rumen and NEFA, BUN in the plasma were analyzed. The milk composition and milk fatty acid profile were analyzed. [Results] No significant differences were observed in blood, rumen fermentation parameters, water, and concentrate intake, while vinegar feeding decreased corn silage intake and milk yield. The milk fatty acids including iso-C14:0, iso-C15:0, and iso-C16:0 were decreased by vinegar feeding.