16:00 〜 16:25
*Kazuhiro Aoki1, Gembu Maryu2,1, Haruko Miura2,1 (1. Nat. Inst. for Basic Biology, 2. Kyoto University)
2018年6月8日(金) 16:00 〜 18:25 Room F (2F Tougen)
Chairpersons : Kazuhiro Aoki (NIBB) / Hideji Murakoshi (NIPS)
The breakthrough originated from identification and cloning of fluorescent proteins allows us to visualize cellular and molecular functions. The fluorescent probes and advanced microscopes provide a new tool for quantification of protein diffusion and enzymatic activity at the subcellular and single-cell level. Further, the recent advent of optogenetics enables the manipulation of cellular signaling, molecular function, gene expression and genome by using light. In this symposium, we cover a range of topics on live cell imaging and optogenetics used in cellular and developmental biology.
Sponsored by:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas - Platforms for Advanced Technologies and Research Resources Advanced Bioimaging Support (ABiS)
16:00 〜 16:25
*Kazuhiro Aoki1, Gembu Maryu2,1, Haruko Miura2,1 (1. Nat. Inst. for Basic Biology, 2. Kyoto University)
16:25 〜 16:50
*Yusuke Mii1,2, Ritsuko Takada1, Makoto Matsuyama3, Shinji Takada1,2 (1. NIBB, 2. Sokendai, 3. Shigei Medical Research Institute)
16:50 〜 17:15
*Akihiro ISOMURA1,2 (1. Japan Science and Technology Agency, PRESTO, 2. Institute for Frontier Life and Medical Sciences, Kyoto University )
17:15 〜 17:35
*Tomomi Kiyomitsu1, Toyoaki Natsume2, Masato T Kanemaki2, Masako Okumura1 (1. Nagoya University, 2. National Institute of Genetics)
17:35 〜 18:00
*Moritoshi Sato1 (1. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo)
18:00 〜 18:25
*Hideji Murakoshi1 (1. National Institute for Physiological Sciences)
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