Joint Annual Meeting of 51st JSDB and 70th JSCB


Poster Session

[P1(1F)] Poster Session 01(4F-1) Poster Award candidate

2018年6月6日(水) 14:00 〜 16:00 Poster(1F) & Exhibition (1F Exhibition Hall)

14:00 〜 16:00

[P1-1F-165] Temperature preference of cave and surface populations of Astyanax mexicanus

*Julius Tabin1, Ariel Aspiras1, Brian Martineau1, Misty Riddle1, Alex Haro2, Johanna Kowalko4, Richard Borowsky3, Nicolas Rohner5, Cliff Tabin1 (1. Harvard University, 2. US Geological Survey, 3. New York University, 4. Iowa State University, 5. Stowers Institue)

キーワード:Temperature preference, Behavioral fever, Astyanax mexicanus, Evolution, Habitat Selection

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