Joint Annual Meeting of 51st JSDB and 70th JSCB


Poster Session

[P3(1F)] Poster Session 3(1F) Topics 6-12

2018年6月8日(金) 13:45 〜 15:45 Poster(1F) & Exhibition (1F Exhibition Hall)

13:45 〜 15:45

[P3-1F-147] Imaging of intracellular temperature in Neuron-like PC12 cell

*Yoshie Harada1, Taishu Akiyama1,2, Masaki Kinoshita2, Hisashi Tadakuma1, Kohki Okabe3,4 (1. Institute for Protein Research, 2. Graduate School of Biostudies, Kyoto University, 3. Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 4. PRESTO, JST)

キーワード:Intracellular temperature imaging, FLIM, PC12

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