Joint Annual Meeting of 51st JSDB and 70th JSCB


Poster Session

[P3(1F)] Poster Session 3(1F) Topics 6-12

2018年6月8日(金) 13:45 〜 15:45 Poster(1F) & Exhibition (1F Exhibition Hall)

13:45 〜 15:45

[P3-1F-47] Collective cell rearrangement in visceral endoderm during the A-P axis formation in a mouse embryo

*Go Shioi1, Hideharu Hoshino2, Takaya Abe1,3, Hiroshi Kiyonari1,3, Kazuki Nakao4,1, Yasuhide Furuta1,3, Toshihiko Fujimori1,5, Shinichi Aizawa2 (1. Genetic Engineering Team, RIKEN CLST, 2. Laboratory for Vertebrate Body Plan, RIKEN CDB, 3. Animal Resource Development Unit, RIKEN CLST, 4. Laboratory of Animal Resources, CDBIM, Univ. of Tokyo, 5. Division of Embryology, NIBB)

キーワード:Anterior-posterior axis, AVE/DVE, Cell tracking, Collective migration, Apical constriction

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