The 69th Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Engineering Education

Presentation information

Organized Lectunre

Research Lecture I

[1C] (14)OS: Practice of human resources development for science and engineering who will lead the Society 5.0 era -Efforts at KOSEN-

Wed. Sep 8, 2021 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM C room

座長:碓氷 久(群馬工業高等専門学校)
副座長:渡辺 孝一(名城大学)

10:30 AM - 10:45 AM

[1C05] Efforts for digital transformation that protects the nature of Mt. Haku and disseminates the charm of Mt. Haku to the world

Higher education through regional collaboration projects

○Mikiko Sode Tanaka1 (1. International college of technology)

Keywords:Engineering, Industry, CDIO Education, Regional collaboration

我々は、情報分野におけるSociety 5.0とは地域の課題を通信技術、AI技術を用いて解決し、持続可能な社会を作成することと定義し、白山が抱える問題に取り組んでいる。本稿ではこの教育活動について説明する。