The 2022 International Session Award has been selected! Congratulations!
W-02 Developing Online Course of Science and Technology:
International High School – University Collaboration SDGs Seminar between
Japan and Malaysia
Yuri NAKAMURA, Akiyoshi OSAKA (Okayama University), Hajime KATAYAMA,
Hiroshi NAKAO (Okayama Ichinomiya High School), Abdul Halim MAMAT,
Hariyani MADON (INTEC Education College)
W-04 Highlights in Coordination for Tailor-made Global PBL Internships with SMEs;
A Case of G-DORM Internships in Tsubame City
Etsuko WAKABAYASHI (Niigata University, TSUBAMATE), Itaru KOURAKATA,
Yasutaka UEDA (Niigata University)
(2022/11/02 6:15 PM)
The papers are no longer available on this site, please use J-STAGE. Only the bibliography of each paper can be downloaded from this site.
(2022/11/01 11:49 AM)
1E01 コミュニケーション教育」に関する調査研究を進めるうえでの仮説
○二上 武生 (工学院大学)
1E02 大学教育が目指すコミュニケーション能力の定義と背景
-OECD Learning Compass 2030および新学習指導要領を
○和田 朋子(工学院大学)
2B10 学生協働のオンライン実験工作教室の実践と今後の展開
○東田 洋次,上土井 幸喜(熊本高等専門学校),宮内 真人
(北九州工業高等専門学校),赤木 洋二(都城工業高等専門学校),
原槙 真也(有明工業高等専門学校),南口 誠(長岡技術科学大学)
2C22 数式の構造を考慮した理数系問題の類似性評価
○上江洲 弘明,谷口 哲也,高井 勇輝,西岡 圭太,中川 勇人 (金沢工業大学)
(2022/10/12 2:37 PM)
Videos of the events are now available.
9/7: Engineering Education Award Lecture, Opening Ceremony, Award Ceremony, Plenary Lecture I, 9/8: Educational Power Improvement Session, Plenary Lecture II, Special Event: Dean Meeting, 9/9: Symposium, Closing Ceremony. The blue ★ in the left frame "Conference Program" is a marker. The handout of Plenary Lecture II by Prof. KIM of KSEE is also available.
(2022/09/27 4:17 PM)
At last, the last program "Symposium" has started. We are looking forward to seeing you at the symposium.
(2022/09/09 3:35 PM)
Good morning! It's finally the last day of the show. Thank you very much for your cooperation today.
(2022/09/09 8:17 AM)
Change of Speakers (Day 3 Speakers will be changed in the following presentations.
・3D15 山岸→水野将司(日本大学) (01-1) 講義・演習形式による教育方法とその教材開発
(2022/09/08 1:18 PM)
Good morning! It's the second day of the conference. To all the presenters! We wish you a good discussion. And please keep your presentation time.
(2022/09/08 7:54 AM)
Change of Speakers (Day 2 Speakers will be changed in the following presentations.
・2A05 中馬→能勢晃太朗(東電HD)(09) OS: 工学女子が創り出す多様性豊かな新しい社会
・2E06 有馬→藤田紀勝(職業能力開発総合大学校)(18) OS: ものづくりの技能科学
(2022/09/07 11:12 AM)
The morning session of the first day has started without a hitch. Thank you very much for your cooperation for the next three days.
(2022/09/07 11:10 AM)
Change of Speakers (Day 1) Speakers will be changed in the following presentations.
・1A03 大石→中瀬博之(東北大学) (14) OS: 大学教育とリカレント教育のデジタルトランスフォーメーション
・1B09 伊藤→佐藤大作(摂南大学理工学部) (03) オンライン教育とハイブリッド型教育
・1D12 惠藤→星上幸良(日本大学理工学部) (01-1) 講義・演習形式による教育方法とその教材開発
(2022/09/06 8:38 AM)
We have posted a link to Zoom in each session. Please enter the room from the timetable on the day of the Session.
(2022/09/06 8:34 AM)
Handouts for the following events are now available.
Engineering Education Award Lecture, Plenary Lecture (MEXT, METI, ASEE), Symposium
(2022/09/04 1:39 PM)
Emergency contact numbers for the conference headquarters during the Conference are now available.
(2022/09/03 2:26 PM)
We have posted information on three of the companies that had planned to exhibit at the local site. Next year, we would like to have a hands-on exhibition!
・ソリッドワークス・ジャパン株式会社 / SolidWorks Japan K.K.
・ダッソー・システムズ株式会社 / Dassault Systemes K.K.
・株式会社電気書院 / Denkishoin,Ltd.
(2022/08/29 3:27 PM)
As the date of the conference approaches, Zoom URLs for each presentation venue will be linked to the timetable and session pages on this website. Please wait a little longer.
(2022/08/29 3:22 PM)
Due to a request, we have posted the timetable of oral presentations on a single page. Unfortunately, it is not available in Excel. We hope you will find it useful.
(2022/08/23 4:37 PM)
Papers will be available on the website from August 23. The registration information will be sent to the participants who have already paid the registration fee, and the program booklet and other materials will be sent to the participants.
(2022/08/19 5:08 PM)
The manual has been updated to reflect the change to online speakers and audiences. Please be sure to read it carefully and be prepared.
(2022/08/05 11:00 AM)
We regret to inform you that due to the spread of the seventh wave of the new coronavirus and its impact on public transportation, we have decided to abandon our original plan to hold the conference in a hybrid format, and to change only some of the conference events to be broadcast from the venue.
As a result, all lectures in the Engineering Education Research Lectures and International Sessions will be given online. No speakers will be allowed to speak at the venue. The same applies to the Educational Power Improvement Session.
Some of the events will be streamed in real time from the venue (arrangements will be made with the lecturers and other attendees). Please note that you will not be able to attend these events at the venue.
For more details, please refer to the left frame of the General information.
(2022/07/29 3:14 PM)