The 70th Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Engineering Education

Session information

Organized Lectunre

Research Lecture I

[1C] (13) OS: Practice and development of the Kosen education for science and engineering students who will lead the Society 5.0 era -Efforts at KOSEN- I

Wed. Sep 7, 2022 8:55 AM - 10:15 AM C room

Chair: Kayoko Morisita (National Institute of Technology (KOSEN),Oyama College)
Second Chair: Yuko SUTO (Tohoku University)

オーガナイザー:森下 佳代子(小山工業高等専門学校教授),佐藤 稔(茨城工業高等専門学校教授)
趣 旨:産業構造や価値観が大きく変化する現代にあって,次世代を担う理工系人材の育成を目指して,全国の高専が,実践力や課題解決力の強化,先進分野の専門知識の習得,地域活性化への貢献等の様々な取り組みを実践している.これらの高専教育の強みを伸ばす事例の紹介を通じて,今後の工学教育の方向性及び大学教育への展開の可能性等について議論する.

Session greeting (8:55 AM - 9:00 AM)

9:00 AM - 9:15 AM

[1C01] Social Implementation of U-16 Programming Contest

Aiming for social implementation of a sustainable official contest

○Raito MATSUZAKI1, Katsushi MATSUBAYASHI1, Masayuki OSUKA2, Hideaki SAITO3, Hiroaki GOTO4, Masaki TAKAHASHI5 (1. National Institute of Technology ,Tokyo College, 2. Japan Information Technology Services Industry Association, 3. Hachioji Education Center, 4. Hachioji Kikaku, 5. Hachioji Komiya Elementary School)

break (10:15 AM - 10:30 AM)




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