The 70th Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Engineering Education

Session information

Research lecture

Research Lecture III

[2C] (02) Education resources and systems -I

Thu. Sep 8, 2022 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM C room

Chair: Miki AOYAGI (Nihon University)
Second Chair: Norihiro IZUMI (Hokkaido University)

2:30 PM - 2:45 PM

[2C16] Workshop on Added Value of Movie Business

Effects of Three Generational Perspectives on Consciousness of University Students

○Chinatsu KANEKO1, Kazuhito WAKAMOTO2, Tetsusei KURASHIKI2 (1. The University of Osaka, 2. Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Osaka)

2:45 PM - 3:00 PM

[2C17] Proposal for teaching information dissemination skills in "writing" adapted to the new normal under the post-coronation era

Based on an analysis of the results of the "Writing Learning Background Survey" of university students

○Reiko YABE1, Mayuko SAKAMOTO2, Satoshi KIRIYAMA3 (1. Hokkaido Bunkyo University Department of International Studies, Faculty of International Studies, 2. Waseda University Global Education Center (GEC), 3. Tottori University Organization for Supporting Education and Promoting International Exchange)

break (3:15 PM - 3:30 PM)



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