The 70th Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Engineering Education

Session information

International session

International Session I

[W] International Session -II

Thu. Sep 8, 2022 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM E&W room

Chair: Yasutaka UEDA (Niigata University)
Second Chair: Tetsuo OKA (Shibaura Institute of Technology)

3:45 PM - 4:00 PM

○Hideaki ABURATANI1, Shigeyoshi NAKAMURA1, Nobutomo UEHARA2, Suvepon SITTICHIVAPAK3, Masaaki KOMATSU4 (1. National Institute of Technology, Ube College, 2. National Institute of Technology, 3. KOSEN-KMITL, 4. Thai-Nichi International College, Thai-Nich Institute of Technology)




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