The 70th Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Engineering Education

Presentation information

Research lecture

Research Lecture I

[1D] (01-1) Education at universities and KOSEN (College of Technology) - Education method and its teaching materials development by lecture and exercises -II

Wed. Sep 7, 2022 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM D room

Chair: Takuto TSUJI (National Institute of Technology, Suzuka College)
Second Chair: Yukiyoshi KOBAYASHI (Tokyo City University)

11:15 AM - 11:30 AM

[1D10] Survey and Analysis of Fundamental Scientific Concepts (Chemistry Field) in KOSEN Students

Analysis of Basic Concept Questionnaire in Enforcement of the New Course of Study

○kazuya KOBAYASHI1,2, Hiroshi IKEDA2 (1. Nippon Institute of Technology, 2. Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technology)

Keywords:Science Education, KOSEN, Naive Concept


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