The 70th Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Engineering Education

Presentation information

Research lecture

Research Lecture III

[2C] (02) Education resources and systems -I

Thu. Sep 8, 2022 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM C room

Chair: Miki AOYAGI (Nihon University)
Second Chair: Norihiro IZUMI (Hokkaido University)

3:00 PM - 3:15 PM

[2C18] Exploring the Use of Off-line Systems to Support Error Corrections of English Scripts

A method of integrating hand-writing scripts into an AI-based writing and editing process

○Yoshiyasu ONO1, Akinobu SHIMURA2 (1. Hokkaido Univ. of Science, 2. Hokkaido Univ. of Education)

Keywords:English education, Writing, Digital transformation in class

英語を書くことの指導では,パソコンに入力し,自動でエラーを検出するアプリで簡便に添削できる一方,翻訳アプリを使用して課題を提出することも散見される.本発表では,手書きの英作文をデジタル化し, AIが採点を行いフィードバックする流れを検討する.

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