水文・水資源学会/日本水文科学会 2021年度研究発表会

Presentation information


[OP-1] 気候変動・地球環境(1)

Wed. Sep 15, 2021 8:40 AM - 10:10 AM 口頭発表会場 (オンライン)

座長:乃田 啓吾(岐阜大学)

9:55 AM - 10:10 AM

[OP-1-06] Changes in exposed population to river flooding, inland flooding, and slope failure with population change by Shared Socioeconomic Pathways in Japan

*Hayata Yanagihara1, So Kazama1, Seiki Kawagoe2 (1. Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University, 2. Faculty of Symbiotic Systems Science, Fukushima University)

Keywords:Exposed population, Population change, Shared Socioeconomic Pathways, Heavy rainfall disaster

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