Autumn Meeting of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy, 2021

Session information

General Session

On-demand Video Distribution (General Session) » General Session: Itinerant-Electron Magnetism

General Session: Itinerant-Electron Magnetism

Chairperson:Naohito TSUJII(National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)), Hiroyuki NAKAMURA(Kyoto University, Japan)

〇Kohei YOSHINAGA1, Kensuke NARA1, Kohdai MORIYAMA1, Chishiro MICHIOKA1, Hiroaki UEDA1, Hiroto OHTA2, Hiroko KATORI3, Kazuyoshi YOSHIMURA1 (1.Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Schience, Kyoto University, 2.Department of Molecular Chemistry and Biochemistry, Doshisha University, 3.Department of Applied Physics, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)

※This presenter is a candidate for the Student Award for Outstanding Presentation.



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