Autumn Meeting of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy, 2021

Presentation information

Special Issue: PM Parts and Manufacturing Technologies Leading to SDGs

Live Distribution (Zoom) » PM Parts and Manufacturing Technologies Leading to SDGs

PM Parts and Manufacturing Technologies Leading to SDGs

Tue. Nov 9, 2021 11:10 AM - 11:45 AM Room I (Live Distribution)

Chairperson:Mie Ota KAWABATA(Ritsumeikan University), Takuya TAKASHITA(JFE steel corporation)

11:30 AM - 11:45 AM

[1-5A] Catalytic activity of hydrogen evolution of Co-nanocrystal-doped tungsten carbide prepared using recycled-resources from metropolitan mines of cemented carbides

〇Masao Morishita1, Yuki Tachibana1, Kairi Araki1, Ai Nozaki1, Hiroaki Yamamoto1, Hidefumi Yanagita2 (1.Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, 2.Sanalloy Industry CO., LTD.)

Keywords:Catalyst, Platinum, magnetic property , ammonia borane, SDGs

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