Autumn Meeting of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy, 2021

Presentation information

General Session

On-demand Video Distribution (General Session) » General Session: Itinerant-Electron Magnetism

General Session: Itinerant-Electron Magnetism

Chairperson:Naohito TSUJII(National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)), Hiroyuki NAKAMURA(Kyoto University, Japan)

[8-31A] Single Crystal Growth and measurement of physical proparties of Yb(Ni1-xPdx)3Al9

〇Ryosuke Ishiguro1, Chishiro Michioka1, Hiroaki Ueda1, Kazuyoshi Yoshimura1 (1.Department of Chemistry, Guraduate school of Science,Kyoto University)

Keywords:heavy fermion, Chiral helimagnetism, rare-earth compound, quantum critical point

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