Presentation information

Theme session

[1A] Design Science Research Section "Multispace Design Model, Design Theory and Methodology"

Sat. Jun 25, 2022 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Oral room1

Chairperson (Theme Session):Koichiro Sato

10:00 AM - 10:20 AM

[1A-04] Service design as a boundary object

From designing to deliver to designing for a project

*Atsushi Hasegawa1 (1. Concent, Inc.)

Keywords:Boundary object, Service design, Social innovation

In recent years, the role and importance of boundary objects have been recognized in various fields. Furthermore, the use of boundary objects in design is an essential issue in the coming era of social innovation, in which diverse people will collaborate. This paper proposes a perspective that considers service design itself a boundary object for collaboration and discusses its significance.