Presentation information

Theme session

[1A] Design Science Research Section "Multispace Design Model, Design Theory and Methodology"

Sat. Jun 25, 2022 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Oral room1

Chairperson (Theme Session):Koichiro Sato

10:40 AM - 11:00 AM

[1A-06] Envisioning Desirable Futures: Transition Design in a Business Context

*Kazzmasa Tsujimura1,3, Kaho Asano2, Kosei Kawahara1 (1. Infobahn Inc., 2. Panasonic Corporation, 3. The University of Tokyo - Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies)

Keywords:Transition Design, Design Futures, Practice Theory

This paper focuses on transition design in the future design project and describes how to utilize historical facts, one of the distinctive features of transition design in a business context. Specifically, taking the Panasonic Corporation's Future Vision Project, the paper points out problems in practice and then describes how to overcome them by finding, analyzing, and employing historical facts. Then, we will conclude with a general review of the project's contribution to the business and future developments.