Presentation information

Theme session

[1B] Design Science Research Section "Multispace Design Model, Design Theory and Methodology", Timeaxis Design Research Section "Timeaxis Design"

Sat. Jun 25, 2022 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Oral room1

Chairperson (Theme Session):Takeo Kato

1:00 PM - 1:20 PM

[1B-01] Duality in Emergent Design and Optimum Design

- Toward the construction of Design Dualism -

*Koichiro Sato1, Takeo Kato2, Yoshiyuki Matsuoka3 (1. Chiba university dri, 2. Graduate School of Keio university , 3. Keio university )

Keywords:Design Dualism, Emergent Design, Optimum Design

This paper describes the possibility of design dualism. Design dualism regards the bottom-up and top-down as two "origins" in order to understand the characteristics of Emergent design and Optimum design. Specifically, we presented a conceptual diagram that introduced the "origin" and showed the positioning of Emergent design and Optimum design. Moreover, the possibility of "origin" indexing and Emergent design and Optimum design types was mentioned. As this discussion progresses, it contributes to understand the characteristics of Emergent design and Optimum design.