Presentation information

Theme session

[1B] Design Science Research Section "Multispace Design Model, Design Theory and Methodology", Timeaxis Design Research Section "Timeaxis Design"

Sat. Jun 25, 2022 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Oral room1

Chairperson (Theme Session):Takeo Kato

1:20 PM - 1:40 PM

[1B-02] Pictogram-1 for the Elderly with Dementia

Experiment focusing on the usefulness of visual symbols

*Hoojong Lee1, Hisayasu Ihara2 (1. Graduate School of Design, Kyushu University, 2. Kyushu University)

Keywords:Design Theory, Dementia, Cognitive Psychology

It is necessary to discuss the method in order to help the elderly with dementia improve their ability to understand pictogram. Therefore, it is meaningful to search for design shapes by applying expression techniques that have been used as a popular cultural visual medium called “Manga”, which has long been familiar with us. For that reason, based on “the Communication Support picture Symbol Design Principle(JIS T 0103)”created for people with disabilities and the elderly in 2005, experiments will be conducted on the elderly suffering from dementia, and the results will be shown.