Presentation information

Theme session

[3A] Info-D 1 "Thinking about "Non-Human-Centered Design""

Sat. Jun 25, 2022 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Oral room3

Chairperson (Theme Session):Ken Yokomizo

10:00 AM - 10:20 AM

[3A-03] Consideration of Community Design for the Transition from a Passive to a Middle-Active Society

From the Perspective of Middle Voice and Actor-Network Theory

*SHUJI SOGA1 (1. Musashino Art University)

Keywords:Middle voice, Actor-Network Theory, Social Design

We argue the social design that facilitates the transformation of the region into a middle-active society. First, from the perspective of middle voice and actor-network theory, the transition from a modern passive society to the coming middle-active society is depicted as a transition from a "linear-forced model" to a "free-circular model". Then, we propose three approaches and ideas for plug-in implementation, a mechanism to promote this transition.