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[PA] area_A

Sun. Jun 26, 2022 10:50 AM - 11:50 AM PA (Poster room)

[PA-11] Searching for night views using the Geographic Information System

A case study of Kagawa Prefecture

*Ryota Yoshida1, Kazuki Tawaraya2, Ryoichiro Miyake3, Minami Tanaka2 (1. Graduate School of Shibaura Institute of Technology, 2. Shibaura Institute of Technology, 3. Nidea Co.)

Keywords:Night view, GIS

In this study, we focused on the effectiveness of using night view to the spread of night tourism in Kagawa Prefecture. I used the geographic information system (GIS) and satellite images recorded at night to determine the area where light can be seen from cultural facilities and coastlines using the GIS function. Quantitatively. As a result, it was possible to perform the simulation with high accuracy on the coastline except for the building and viaduct because of not considering the height of other buildings.