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[PA] area_A

Sun. Jun 26, 2022 10:50 AM - 11:50 AM PA (Poster room)

[PA-12] Digital Reproduction of Historic Assets in Regional Museums

A Case study of Fujiwara-pumping Machine in the “I’museum” Project

*chen chihyu, Aoki Hironobu1, Ueda Akira 1 (1. chiba university)

Keywords:Historical Assets, Digital Reproduction, Regional Museums

The “I’Museum” project launched in 2015 utilizes digital technologies in the Ichihara History Museum. This research produces a miniaturized working model of the Fujiwara-pumping machine which has no remains. The model is recreated based on images and descriptions in historic archives. In exploring the possibility of digital implementations in a regional museum, details of the original model are digitally reconstructed through repeated experiments and verifications. The effectiveness of the model is assessed by the museum. Finally, based on the reconstruction process, a model kit is provided for further educational purposes.