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[PB] area_B

Sat. Jun 25, 2022 11:10 AM - 12:10 PM PB (Poster room)

[PB-07] Design of craft kits based on typology of animal head morphology

Design of craft kits as teaching materials in hands-on programs

*Naoki Wakabayashi1, Yuko Masakura2, Rina Tanabe3 (1. Sapporo City University, 2. Aichi Shukutoku University, 3. Chiba Institute of Technology)

Keywords:Craft Kits, Teaching Materials, Morphology

We classified the head morphology of carnivorous and herbivorous animals exhibited in zoos into two types from a biological viewpoint in order to reproduce the characteristics of the head morphology of these animals as paper craft kits. Herbivores have longer jaws because they eat plants that are difficult to digest, and they have well-developed molars for chewing. As a result, they generally have longer faces than carnivores. Carnivores, on the other hand, need to see three-dimensionally in order to measure the distance between them and their prey, so they have eyes that face forward and are slightly farther apart on the left and right. Two basic forms were used to express these features as a semi-three-dimensional structure by combining flat folding, inserting, and gluing as a paper craft kit. The herbivorous type has two parts: the face and ears integrated with the nose, while the carnivorous type has three parts: the nose, face, and ears as separate parts to emphasize the large nose in the center of the face.