Presentation information


[PB] area_B

Sat. Jun 25, 2022 11:10 AM - 12:10 PM PB (Poster room)

[PB-08] Students' Future Co-creation and Vision Design Approach.

How to create a vision of student ownership.

*Yoriko Inoue1, Yoshiyuki Yokosuka2, Yoshihiro Saito3 (1. Japan Electronics College, 2. Yokosuka design laboratory, 3. 2ndFACTORY Co., Ltd.)

Keywords:Information design, Vision design, Co-creation

This paper reports on a "workshop using boundary objects" conducted with the aim of promoting future co-creation and vision design. This workshop is an industry-academia collaborative class. We analyzed the process of students' visioning in future co-creation. The students are the parties who will be responsible for social activities 10 years from now. The signs of the future they imagined were designed as a possible vision of the future. Students are able to think flexibly and are not bound by the company or social organization. By identifying its advantages and challenges, this paper presents its potential as an approach to vision design for non-students.