Presentation information


[PB] area_B

Sat. Jun 25, 2022 11:10 AM - 12:10 PM PB (Poster room)

[PB-10] Design of a system in which people with normal hearing experience the hearing of unilateral hearing loss using a three-dimensional sound field simulator.

*Shintaro Nakayama1, Taito Shimizu1, Maiko Kobayakawa1, Kazuhiro Iida1 (1. CHIBA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY - Faculty of Advanced Engineering - Department of Advanced Media)

Keywords:Unilateral hearing loss, Simulation, Experience tool

People with unilateral hearing loss are those who has hearing impairment in one ear. People with unilateral hearing loss have trouble in their daily lives but suffer from not being understood that by those around them. One way for normal hearing people to understand unilateral hearing loss is to experience the condition of unilateral hearing loss. In this paper a website was created to help normal-hearing people understand the hearing of people with a hearing loss in one ear.