Presentation information


[PB] area_B

Sat. Jun 25, 2022 11:10 AM - 12:10 PM PB (Poster room)

[PB-11] Proposal for New Interaction through Visualization of Small Talk in Research Activities.

*Masafumi Misawa1, Tomoya Kasuga1, Maiko Kobayakawa1 (1. CHIBA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY - Faculty of Advanced Engineering - Department of Advanced Media)

Keywords:Communication tool, Small talk, Dialogue generation

Small talk at the research room in the university has often a good effect on our thinking, knowledge, or our relations. That has a possibility that we can put to use in our research promotion. Therefore, we propose a service to share and utilize daily conversational small talk that led to research within the research community, with the aim of promoting new human interaction. The following insights were obtained from the experience. 1) Record conversational small talk and gain new insights by viewing your own, your conversational small talk mates, and others' notes. 2) The potential exists for new conversational small talk to obtained from notes of others' conversational daily chat.