Presentation information


[PB] area_B

Sat. Jun 25, 2022 11:10 AM - 12:10 PM PB (Poster room)

[PB-12] Designing a system for community support for beach clean volunteers

*Atsuka Hayashi1, Kazuha Kato2 (1. Tokyo University of Technology Graduate School - Graduate School of Design - Department of Design, 2. Tokyo University of Technology)

Keywords:Co-design, Community-Based Design, Volunteer activities

In this study, I will investigate the relationships and roles within a community that conducts beach cleanups.The designers will participate in beach cleanup activities and use a method called co-design, in which the designers will survey and design the activities while actively engaging with the operators, organization staff, and participants.Based on the survey results, the goal is to design a platform for community support so that new, inexperienced volunteers who want to participate can successfully connect with the community, and roles can be cycled from prospective participants to participants and from participants to management staff.