Presentation information


[PB] area_B

Sat. Jun 25, 2022 11:10 AM - 12:10 PM PB (Poster room)

[PB-19] Problem identification in online workshops

*Kaito Sato1, Hiroki Sato2 (1. Graduate School of Chiba Institute of Technology, 2. Chiba Institute of Technology)

Keywords: Online workshops, Inclusive design

Since Corona Disaster cannot conduct face-to-face workshops, the current situation is that they are conducted online. We wanted to clarify what aspects should be considered when conducting workshops online. Therefore, we conducted a survey of interviews with students who participated in projects conducted online. The results of the interviews indicated that one problem was that it is difficult to establish a conversation online because it is difficult to convey the atmosphere. In addition, while some students expressed the opinion that they feel they get less information when they do online than when they are face-to-face when looking at the scene of use through a screen, we believe that effective workshops can be conducted by using VR and AR technology and sharing the environment even when the participants are far away from each other.