The 67th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Virology

Presentation information


[O1-6] dsRNA/others 2

Tue. Oct 29, 2019 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Room 6 (Tougen)

Yuta Kanai (Department of Virology, Reseach Institute for Microbial Disease, Osaka University)
Nobumichi Kobayashi (Department of Hygiene,Sapporo Medical University)

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM

[O1-6-13] Examination of rotavirus antigenemia and antigenuria by immunochromatography method and enzyme immunoassay

*Hiroshi Ushijima1,2, Itoe Shiota1, Yuko Shimizu1, Hidemasa Miyashita2, Masaaki Kobayashi2, Pattara Khamrin1,3, Ariful Hoque1, Sayaka Takanashi1,6, Shoko Okitsu1, Takahiro Kawagishi4, Yuta Kanai4, Satoshi Komoto5, koki Taniguchi5, Takeshi Kobayashi4, Takeshi Tajima2, Niwat Maneekarn3, Satoshi Hayakawa1 (1. Nihon University, 2. Japan Viral Gastroenteritis Research Group, 3. Chiang Mai University, 4. Osaka University, 5. Fujita Health University, 6. The University of Tokyo)

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