


[1Cp01-07] Surface Analysis/Applied Surface Science/Evaluation Technique (ASS)

2023年10月31日(火) 14:00 〜 16:15 大会議室234 (3階)

Chair:李 艶君(大阪大学)、村上 健司(静岡大学)

15:00 〜 15:15

[1Cp04] Multimodal valence band photoelectron spectroscopy by SX-VUV dual beam momentum microscope

*Fumihiko Matsui1, Kenta Hagiwara1, Eiken Nakamura1, Shigemasa Suga2 (1. Institute for Molecular Science, 2. SANKEN, Osaka University)

Photoelectron momentum microscope (PMM) is an instrument built on a new concept based on imaging-type photoelectron spectroscopy and microscopy techniques to visualize the electronic state in k reciprocal lattice space of a selected microscopic region. We constructed a PMM station at the soft X-ray undulator beamline BL6U of UVSOR synchrotron facility. With a hν range up to 800 eV covered by the BL6U, core-level excitation of a variety of important elements including C, N, O and transition metals is possible. Specific atomic sites and electronic states can be selectively characterized by the Resonant momentum-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. Furthermore, a branch was added to BL7U, an undulator-based vacuum ultraviolet (VUV 6-40 eV) beamline. In addition to grazing-incidence soft X-ray excitation, normal-incidence VUV with variable polarization excitation is also available at the same focal position of the PMM.

