


[2P01-53] Poster Presentation

2023年11月1日(水) 17:00 〜 18:30 ポスター (1階)

[2P23] Observation of liquid contains samples using capsule-type holder in scanning electron microscope

*Jinfeng Lu1, Natsuko Asano1, Shunsuke Asahina1, Naoki Kikuchi1, Hiroshi Onodera1 (1. JEOL Ltd)

The capsule-type liquid observation holder for high resolution SEM, is easy to operate due to its simple structure. Moreover, the samples can be maintained within the holder as an aqueous solution even within a high vacuum chamber. Employing a 20nm (according to the sample, 30 nm and 50 nm are also available) thickness silicon nitride membrane window, the SEM enables direct confirmation of shapes and dispersion states of particles in the liquid even the size of particles is less than 1 µm. Different information about the samples can be acquired by adjusting incident voltage and detector settings. Furthermore, the option for elemental analysis of particles in liquid through EDS is also available, accompanied by pertinent considerations. The application of this technique holds promise for assessing liquid dispersion effects and analyzing liquid-phase components.

