3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
*Tetsu Sakai1, Satoru Yoshida1, Tomohiro Nagai1, Masahide Nishihashi1, Eiji Oikawa1, Hiromu Seko1 (1. Meteorological Research Institute)
[S08] Recent progress on environmental measurements using lidar system
Fri. Jan 19, 2024 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM Room III (Plaza Heisei_Conference Room1)
Chair: Toshihiro Somekawa
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
*Tetsu Sakai1, Satoru Yoshida1, Tomohiro Nagai1, Masahide Nishihashi1, Eiji Oikawa1, Hiromu Seko1 (1. Meteorological Research Institute)
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
*Ippei Asahi1, Sachiyo Sugimoto1, Yuji Ichikawa1, Masakazu Ogita1, Ayako Hoshino1, Nozomi Yamashita1, Shuzo Eto2, Toshihiro Somekawa3, Haik Chosrowjan3, Seiji Taniguchi3 (1. Shikoku Research Institute Inc., 2. Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, 3. Institute for Laser Technology)
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
*Toshihiro Somekawa1 (1. Institute for Laser Technology)
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